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вторник, 5 ноября 2013 г.

Scares thoughtless higher fines

Russian drivers waiting for the next set of amendments radically stricter liability for the violation of a number of points of the SDA. The deputies decided to impose mandatory jail time for the perpetrators of drunken fatal accidents and to prevent the possibility of reconciliation of the parties in such incidents.

For the lack of CTP policy and increased shading fines will increase significantly. In addition, the police allowed to check drunk drivers and their cars are no witnesses.

The bill deputy Irina Spring to tighten accountability for violations of traffic regulations prepared for the second , the main reading. The MPs made ​​a number of important amendments to the Criminal Code , Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO ), which will translate some irregularities in the category of crimes and tighten a number of existing penalties.

The Penal Code against drunk drivers

One of the most important changes included in the amendment will not be possible reconciliation with the perpetrator of the deadly accident by the injured party .

Currently, relatives or other representatives of the deceased person in an accident can " go to the world " and , for example, take the money from the perpetrator in exchange for the termination of the criminal prosecution.

In order to avoid such a scenario , there will be changes to the articles 75 and 76 of the Criminal Code (" Exemption from criminal liability in connection with the active repentance " and " in connection with primereniya parties" , respectively) , as well as 25 and 28 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (" the criminal case a reconciliation of the parties "and" in connection with active repentance ", respectively) .

The legislator said that reconcile the perpetrator banned only if the accident had been killed .

In addition , the amendments establish a lower limit for the first time the term of imprisonment for drunken accidents with victims . This is from two to seven years under part 4 of article 264 of the Criminal Code , and from four to nine years under Part 6 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code (" Making a road accident while intoxicated resulting in death of man" and the same offense that resulted in the death of two or more persons) .

The introduction of this rule actually legalize mandatory prison sentences for the two parts of Article 264 - will set minimum , but mandatory prison sentences , while at the present time for them provides imprisonment for a term of between seven and nine years respectively. If convicted, the driver will not be able to limit probation and get real jail time.

Under Article 264 of the person who has renounced medosvidetelstvovaniya after the accident, will be assimilated to the driver who committed a traffic accident while intoxicated .

The fact that the re- use of alcohol while driving or repeated refusal to be governed by medosvidetelstvovaniya new Article 264 (1). Thus for the first time the fact of drinking and driving , though repetitive, would be classified as a criminal offense .

The driver , who was detained drunk for the first time , to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles. and denied the rights for up to two years ( as now ) . But with the new amendments , if caught drunk again ( even within a year after the expiration of deprivation ) , then it falls under the criminal article , which provides for imprisonment of up to two years, with subsequent deprivation of a driver's license for a period of three years.

The authors of the bill believe that the moral right to impose criminal penalties for driving under the influence appeared after the September changes , and more specifically , the introduction of a possible total measurement error alcotester ( in fact, the drivers returned to the old ppm). The presence of this rule , confident in the State Duma , suggests that innocent people do not fall under the stricter , since only the excess of the error suggests that the driver was really drunk.

President of the board of the legal protection of car owners Viktor Travin believes that the victim in the accident only consolation - when the perpetrator to pay the money .

" The injured party will be deprived of this opportunity . They do not care whether or not he will sit down . The main thing is to give money in order smoothing guilt. Citizens should not be denied opportunities to receive at least some compensation, and if the perpetrator jailed for 25 years, then it is not compensation - said, " the Newspaper " Travin . - Ability to pay off is decided in court, it can be so large sum that the culprit would prefer to serve a period of time. Mercy - this is a very severe punishment . The victims will get nothing from the villain, and it will not have an incentive to pay - all the same after jailed . "

Nevertheless, the expert believes that the introduction of the lower limit of the period - the right move . " The rascals who deserve severe punishment , often get off with a suspended sentence ," - agreed Travin .

Equating the failure of the management medosvidetelstvovaniya car while intoxicated expert is a good step , but with reservations. "We have , unfortunately , not very clearly spelled out , as should be done waiver of examination. What with all the physiological characteristics of the organism can be deemed a waiver ? It is necessary to register all the possible options that it is deemed a waiver , "- said the expert.

Travin believes that criminal penalties for repeat drunken driving is unlikely to affect those who abuse alcohol and driving. " Any measure will affect only a sober driver . He understands that there are terrible penalties , but if he drank , then it will not work . As a preventative measure , it can not work - it's more like revenge state drunk driver "- said the expert. According to Travin , these measures are corrupt comprehensive.

New penalties instead of back issues

The amendments provide for increased penalties for a number of existing violations. This is due to the fact that the same documents void of Article 27.13 of the Administrative Code , which provides state number plates as a result of the removal of some violations. Thus, the traffic cop will not be allowed to roll on the road numbers . The article was removed from the Code , as the drivers on October 15, have the right to make new copies of the license plate instead stolen or lost .

The authors of the bill is concerned that under the existing Administrative Code violations remain punishable stay . These rules allow the drivers for three days to remove the prohibition of the operation and the reasons for all this time to go without numbers . The parliamentarians considered that a legal opportunity to ride without state number plates is fraught with danger - such a machine can at least break free of TR and remain unidentified .

Due to the fact that the need to rent rooms disappeared, it was decided to increase the penalties for items previously included in the measure.

In particular , this step will affect Part 2 of Article 12.1 ( running passenger taxi , bus or truck without inspection ) - the penalty for this violation will increase from 500 - 800 rubles to 2.5 - 5 thousand rubles.

Driving with excessive tint will be punished by a fine of three thousand rubles . instead of the previous 500 rubles.

Driving a car is not being made ​​to the CTP policy or do without this document will result in a fine of 1.5 and 3 thousand rubles . respectively (500 and 800 rubles. earlier).

Will toughen penalties for modification and installation of false rooms - up to disqualification for a period of two years. Currently, these violations are punishable by fines ranging from 500 to 2.5 thousand rubles , and suspension of driving privileges for a period of six months to one year.

The changes will affect and compliance with police - Refusal on the request of the inspector shall be punished by a fine in the amount of 2 - 3 thousand rubles instead of the current 500 - 800 rubles .

According to the authors of the bill , patrol cars are sufficiently equipped with DVRs that such a violation could be determined objectively.

In conclusion, the proposed fix is already available in the UK the ability to produce the proceedings in the absence of witnesses to the Administrative Code . By these actions mean suspension from driving , survey on the subject of intoxication or inspect the vehicle.

Instead, witnesses are encouraged to use the camera to record which will applied to the case. According to the parliamentarians , the measure is relevant in rural areas, where witnesses when stopping a drunk driver can not be found . In addition , this move will reduce the costs associated with the subpoena witnesses who live in remote areas, and solve the problem of bribery of witnesses by unscrupulous lawyers.

Travin considers that the increase in fines after the abolition of stay does not get adequate compensation for the same punishment. " Scares thoughtless higher fines , when the sums are misguided .

Why three thousand? Why not four nine ? These figures are taken from the ceiling, they work as well as other penalties are not "- said Travin .

The expert believes that the gradation of violations also raises questions. " The absence of the policy , by and large, we are doing harm only themselves . But the government believes that a violation of dangerous driving through a red light , "- said the expert.

Expert questioned the advisability of replacing the video recording of the proceedings of witnesses . "When the police to carry out a plan to rig the case or something to throw up , then they interfere with witnesses . Though they are uncomplaining people , but then can open his mouth and say something totally embarrassing for the police officer . Now if they would ever think to make a drunk person sober , then it will be removed so that the frame will get only what he needs. Camera - partisan thing , because it holds the operator . But witnesses have the right to make their comments in the report - that they did not like . And now it turns out that no one give their opinion will not " - said the expert.

" Profile Committee today voted , now we will ask council to put the State Duma in the second reading , it will be held in the coming week - said," the Newspaper " State Duma deputy and the head of the party" Avtomobilyanaya Russia " Vyacheslav Lyssakov .

- The third is in 2 - 3 days after that. The government tried to put everything in a big circle on formal grounds , but we iron arguments - six months amendments are in the Duma, no one bothered to offer anything , and is now asking to extend the deadline and make all over again . " "The situation with the introduction of criminal liability all know - know the media , society knows . This is all to be expected , save for next year does not make sense. We take all this year " , - concluded the deputy.

In Russia began construction of the world's most powerful icebreaker

The company "Baltic Shipbuilding Plant," set out to build the most powerful and a great icebreaker in the world. Laying of an icebreaker LK-60 22220 project of 60 MW, the press service of the plant

As conceived by the designers , the length of the vessel will be 173.3 meters, width - 34 meters . Displacement giant ship will be 33.54 million tons . The icebreaker will be equipped with a two-reactor power plant with steam from the main source of reactor RITM -200 capacity of 175 MW , the report said .

Engineering design of submarine designed in 2009. As the author by the Central Design Bureau "Iceberg" . The peculiarity of the newest nuclear-powered icebreaker will be that it will be suitable for use in Arctic waters , and at the mouths of rivers polar . The creators of LK -60 sure that it will plow the Barents, Kara and Pechora Seas , as well as to work on a more shallow waters near the mouth of the Yenisei and Ob .

Today it was announced that an insurer icebreaker in the period of construction , mooring , navigation and ice trials will make the company SOGAZ . This insurance company won in the respective open request for proposals " Baltic Shipbuilding Factory ". According to the press service of the insurer, the insured value under construction submarine was 36.959 billion rubles. In addition, the insurance shall be subject to the life, health and property of the third parties involved in the creation of an icebreaker , as well as the environment . The total amount of this category of insurance amount to 100 million rubles. According to published information , the insurance contract will be effective from November 2013 to December 30, 2017.

In April , it was reported that the Finance Ministry intends to reduce the cost of construction of icebreakers . In particular , the debate in the government have arisen in connection with the planned expenditure for the construction of two LC -60, which are designed to provide year-round navigation of vessels in the North Sea Route.

The leader of the voting for the character of the ruble has scored 61% of the vote

MOSCOW, November 5 - Prime. More than 100,000 Russians took part in the first day of voting for a symbol of the ruble, has already determined leader who receives more than 61% of the vote, but it is not the Central Bank reveals

Bank of Russia on Tuesday offered to the public to choose the ruble symbol of the five most commonly proposed options . Vote for the sign on the site of the regulator (www.cbr.ru). Public discussion will last until December 5, 2013 .

Proposals to introduce a symbol of the Russian ruble , by analogy with the U.S. dollar and the pound sterling, were made in the mid- 90s and began to sound more and more with the advent of the euro. In 2006, the Law on the Central Bank has been put on the approval of novel graphic designation of the ruble as a sign ( symbol rate) .

Already the first day of the service made ​​the interest of citizens in choosing symbol rate. "At 18.00 MSK processed opinion almost 102 thousand people. It is noteworthy that 76 % took part in the discussion - men , "- said in a statement the regulator.

As for the characteristics of age , the most active are citizens aged 25 to 34 years old - almost 45 %. The vast majority of participants ( nearly 88 %) have higher or incomplete higher education.

The most popular version of the character of the ruble gaining just over 61 % of the vote , the least popular - less than 2% of the votes discussion. Central Bank does not disclose which of the graphic signs fond of Russians.

Putin proposed to monitor workers with cameras

The state is ready to increase financial support for new projects supported by the Foundation of online initiatives. This was stated by President Putin at a meeting with the participants of the project "Startups in the Internet." For example, the President has approved the use of "smart cameras" for the recognition of migrants. Experts point out that the implementation of such projects can create jobs.

On Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin met with the participants of the project "Startups in the Internet." He believes that the implementation of projects supported by the Foundation of Web Development Initiatives (FRII), raise the efficiency of public problems and solutions when necessary, the authorities are ready to increase financial support. "This is an area of ​​activity, which means do not mind," - said the president.

As RIA "Novosti", Putin stressed that the authors of the projects can not only find interesting solutions, but also to come to the most popular topic in economy and social sphere. The President praised the work of the Foundation and its director Kirill thanked Varlamov for the way work is organized. "I am very pleased to say that the things for which the fund was conceived, implemented - in form and content," - said Putin.

During the meeting, Vladimir Putin spoke about several projects that he was immediately interested. For example, he believes that the Federal Migration Service (FMS) can use "smart camera" and mobile applications that will recognize entering the territory of Russian foreign citizens. About this project - "Innovative technologies for analysis of video" - said the head of Alexander ReAction Hanin.

According to him, "smart camera " allows for front of house areas and parking lots to read numbers and give the command to open a barrier or gate to tenants , while not admitting unidentified vehicles . In addition , the program can be implemented in the banking system to combat fraudsters because it allows you to recognize those who are trying to get credit for someone else's documents or identify employees who violate the rules of filling in forms . According to ITAR -TASS, Hanin suggested the use of his program in the FMS system , noting that it will remove the load from the employees.

The Head of State noted that it is an interesting project. "This may be of practical use, bearing in mind the absence of the visa regime with the countries of the CIS. It seems no visa is not required, but if this technique will capture and provide information about a person, it is, of course, can be very effective, "- said Putin.

Yet Putin has approved a project to develop an application that allows to choose optimal tariffs of mobile communication, as he, according to the head of state, will help de-monopolization of the market in this area. "I think you need them (developers) to help, because it's certainly a very good step toward monopolization of the market and to the exclusion of any collusion in the market", - Putin said at the meeting, referring to the head of the Ministry of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov.

The Minister called the project interesting. "Today, many calling plans, plus they differ between regions. In addition, people from December will be able to change the operator and store room. So it (the choice of tariff) all the more urgent task, "- he said. "We will look at the regulatory framework, there are a number of limitations which information may be disclosed, and what can not. I think we will find a solution, and it should definitely work ", - said Nikiforov.

The "Doctor" tariff represented by one of the developers of Alexander Voloshchuk. He said that the application collects data on the use of mobile services by man and helps him to choose the best for yourself tariff. "That is, the NSA (National Security Agency) already do not do anything, the program itself will do everything?" - Jokingly asked Putin.

But Voloshchuk assured that the data is anonymised , and because the program does not violate any rights of citizens.

Commenting on the results of the meeting , Varlamov said the Internet industry has received in the face of Putin's interest in and support of its activities. " The projects that we presented today showed that the Internet can be an effective mechanism to address current and socially important problems. In particular, the project was presented , which allows you to remotely submit reports to the housing and thereby control the cost of data services ", - told the newspaper VIEW Varlamov , noting that the President during the meeting gave several instructions to support specific projects.

Varlamov also pointed out that the conditions of FRII aim to support those companies in which at least 51% owned by Russians. " We also have a restriction that half of the employees of these companies must be residents of the Russian Federation. This allows you to create jobs and keep the team here - in Russia ", - said Varlamov .

As for the interest of the President in meetings with authors startups that Varlamov explained by the fact that recently the Internet " is growing fast in Russia ." "Just in the last five years, the Internet audience has grown to three and a half times. This is a private sector, which is in itself worthy of attention to themselves and therefore it is of interest of the president " , - said Kirill Varlamov .

Recall that in early October FRII first 50 startups selected for further development and possible investment . A month had received nearly a thousand applications, of which about two hundred rejected, but more than 700 taken into consideration. It is planned to leave in the end 100 startups.

Fund the development of Internet initiatives established by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in March of this year. The priorities of FRII - financial and expert support to projects on the Internet at all stages of development , the search and selection of startups and their subsequent bringing to a high degree of maturity. The volume of assets under management FRII is 6 billion.

Zhirinovsky's statements are discussed in the State Duma next week

Earlier, First Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Magomed Vakhaev sent a request to the Commission on Parliamentary Ethics to check Zhirinovsky's statements on the subject of extremism.

MOSCOW, November 5 - RIA Novosti. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Parliamentary Ethics Andrey Andreev suggested that the statement of the deputy Magomed Vakhayeva, which seeks to examine the statements of the LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky North Caucasus extremism may be considered next week.

Earlier, First Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Vakhaev (EP) sent a request to the Commission on Parliamentary Ethics to check Zhirinovsky's statements on the subject of extremism. The request also seeks to initiate a parliamentary investigation against the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party on this issue. Zhirinovsky in the transmission of "Duel" TV channel "Russia 1" suggested birth control in the North Caucasus in order to combat terrorism.

Once the request gets to the Ethics Commission , I can prepolozhit that next week - this week plenary meetings - the Commission will consider the application and may like. Some MPs also stated that they will make relevant statements , public organizations have expressed their position on this situation . I can imagine that the Committee on Parliamentary Ethics simultaneously consider all such statements , "- said Andreev, RIA Novosti reported. The MP noted that while the statement Vakhayeva the commission had been received.

Earlier, the head of the Duma Committee on Nationalities Gadzhimet Safaraliev ("United Russia") sent a request to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika regarding Zhirinovsky's statements, which asks for a legal response, they are not extremist.