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вторник, 5 ноября 2013 г.

In Russia began construction of the world's most powerful icebreaker

The company "Baltic Shipbuilding Plant," set out to build the most powerful and a great icebreaker in the world. Laying of an icebreaker LK-60 22220 project of 60 MW, the press service of the plant

As conceived by the designers , the length of the vessel will be 173.3 meters, width - 34 meters . Displacement giant ship will be 33.54 million tons . The icebreaker will be equipped with a two-reactor power plant with steam from the main source of reactor RITM -200 capacity of 175 MW , the report said .

Engineering design of submarine designed in 2009. As the author by the Central Design Bureau "Iceberg" . The peculiarity of the newest nuclear-powered icebreaker will be that it will be suitable for use in Arctic waters , and at the mouths of rivers polar . The creators of LK -60 sure that it will plow the Barents, Kara and Pechora Seas , as well as to work on a more shallow waters near the mouth of the Yenisei and Ob .

Today it was announced that an insurer icebreaker in the period of construction , mooring , navigation and ice trials will make the company SOGAZ . This insurance company won in the respective open request for proposals " Baltic Shipbuilding Factory ". According to the press service of the insurer, the insured value under construction submarine was 36.959 billion rubles. In addition, the insurance shall be subject to the life, health and property of the third parties involved in the creation of an icebreaker , as well as the environment . The total amount of this category of insurance amount to 100 million rubles. According to published information , the insurance contract will be effective from November 2013 to December 30, 2017.

In April , it was reported that the Finance Ministry intends to reduce the cost of construction of icebreakers . In particular , the debate in the government have arisen in connection with the planned expenditure for the construction of two LC -60, which are designed to provide year-round navigation of vessels in the North Sea Route.

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